American Legion
Green Hills Post 57
Bucklin, Missouri
American Legion Hall
112 Livingston Street
Bucklin, MO 64631
Phone: 660 695-3557
Commander: Leighton Reid
Vic Commander: Ralph Thomas
The American Legion, Greenhills post 57 is commented to serve all Veterans, Servicemembers and Communities. The Legion strives to further a strong sense of patriotism and loyalty. It's a program of involvement in the many facets of your life. It's a program which
can have a positive influence in the lives of you and your family.
As a Legion member, you will open an unending catalog of
opportunities to expand your life and utilize your unique talents. We also have organizations such as the American Legion Auxiliary
and Sons of The American Legion.
It's a program of promise and that’s a powerful package!
When you get involved in
the American Legion,
you get involved in.....